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Easy Way to Get Dream Home Achievement Ck2

Out of all of Paradox's grand strategy games, I cartel to say that Crusader Kings 2 is the most unique. Essentially character based, it simulates the interpersonal nature of politics in the Middle Ages before the appearance of nation-states. The sweeping, human narratives and dramatic turns blur the line between RPG and strategy without e'er losing its 'grand' pedigree. To be truly successful in this game requires more than only careful logistical planning of troops and supplies: it also requires navigating the trials of courtly life.

Non long afterward Crusader Kings iii was commencement announced, CK2'due south base game was made gratuitous for everyone. That means in that location's could be loads of new wannabe rulers needing advice on how to navigate this titan of a strategy game, and we're here to assist.

To that end, my liege, whether you lot're a new count or a battle-scarred crusader rex, permit me to offer some of the most important tips for the novice and veteran alike. All the advice below is right as of the well-nigh recent patch with all expansions.


Unlike other games both in Paradox'southward stable and outside of it which tie your fate to a nation, in CKII, your fate is tied to a item dynasty—and, more specifically, to ane person at a time in that dynasty. Thus, even if your great nation controls the known world but your family loses control over any lands, it's "Game over, man. Game over."

Securing that your titles are succeeded by someone in your family becomes your almost fundamental business at the start of the game and securing that your family succeeds to titles as information technology grows is one of the best strategies to "peacefully" acquire more command. This is especially important if you're starting a custom character which has no dynasty to rely on.

Related: The best Crusader Kings 2 mods

Almost of the time, accomplishing this chore is simple: get married (make sure information technology's matrilineal if yous're a adult female), have children, and sit down pretty as y'all hope your children aren't idiots. Even so, hither are some nuances:

  • Brand sure your spouse loves you. Lavish him or her with gifts and other favours that volition entice them to your side. This not only mechanically improves your chances of conceiving, but it likewise helps to ensure that you are not a poor cuckold.
  • There's no existent harm in Family focus for a longer flow while you lot look for heirs. The diplomacy bonus to information technology is significant enough to be a good focus in and of itself while helping you to conceive children.
  • Don't be agape to annul marriages that are barren. If you tin get your religious caput to be on your side to grant you an annulment, do non hesitate. Later on all, how tin a realm breathe with no heir? Just be enlightened that divorcing your spouse will enrage their family against you. The only exception is if yous're hoping to get a claim on your spouse's demesnes.

Finally, and mayhap almost 'chiefly', change succession laws. Gavelkind is perchance the worst possible succession law ever invented by man. Cutting upwardly one'south realm between one's heirs is not but detrimental for larger realms that might split into various Kingdoms (and basically set up back all the piece of work you've done), just information technology might cause rivalries between children. Which leads us to our next major tip…


So long equally you tin control the bulk of the electors through diplomacy or intrigue, Elective Monarchy almost always ensures that yous select the all-time possible heir for your realm. Whether it's pure elective monarchy or the Purple manner of elective, I have found that this succession law helps to select not but well qualified rulers based on stats and traits (while fugitive those inbreds, of grade), but too grants you the ability to choose young rulers which is essential for building up that long term legacy. Realms are oftentimes unstable after a new ruler ascends and Elective Succession Police force helps to alleviate this business organisation past choosing younger candidates who reign far longer on average.

Related: Read our complete CK2 DLC guide

The game is all about edifice and cultivating loyalty and leading through awe rather than mere power. This is the radial ideal of Medieval Majestic ambition. The trouble, of grade, is that Constituent Monarchy is high risk high reward. Yous will want to actively kill, exile, or otherwise bribe electors who don't back up your candidate or 'eliminate' your rivals that aren't your ideal candidate. Yet, go on in mind that you don't need to worry and then much if information technology's some other family unit member that is being favoured. So long as your dynasty is on the throne, that'south sufficient and the electors volition never pick someone so bad that you'll immediately exist beset by ceremonious state of war. Don't be too hung upwards if your ideal heir is not selected so long as he's of your blood.


Sunday Tzu said that to defeat your enemy through smashing forcefulness is non the onus of Supreme Excellence; Supreme Excellence is to defeat your enemy without lifting a finger. Thus, larn how to 'politic' your way to power.

Mayhap the best way to explicate this tip is to give you an case from ane of my playthrough: I started as a lowly count of Santiago who managed to wrest control of the Kingdom of Asturias. Unfortunately, the Muslim neighbours to the south were poised to destroy my tiny Kingdom. Instead, as before long as I had control of the crown, I bent the genu to Charlemagne who was all too happy to be my overlord. The Caliphate to the south would not dare entrench themselves in a war against a whole empire and so I was condom to scheme from within. Since I was already a Kingdom with various demesnes, I was one of the most powerful vassals of the Emperor and set to work befriending enough nobles in the Empire to be crowned Emperor not besides long after.

If I had remained independent, I would accept had no hope confronting the Caliphate to the South and the Empire to the Northward. Instead, past working from inside, I was crowned by the Pope. Non as well bad for a lowly Count to accomplish in the span of twenty years. Which leads usa to our next tip.


You don't need to win over everyone. Simply win over the appropriate people to go your job accomplished. For case, if you demand someone dead, befriend their spymaster. If you need someone deposed, befriend the near powerful vassals in the Kingdom. Focus on quality of characters rather than quantity. Focus your money on those who accept influence and focus your military forces on those who are weak and you lot will find yourself ascension to the heights of power.

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Acquire how to eliminate your rivals and to be selective about who you place in power even if they accept peachy stats. Which dovetails nicely into i of the most important parts about managing your court.

CKII IS AN Bogus EVOLUTION Sleeping accommodation

Like learning how to breed cute flowers, playing CKII too invites the player to generate genetically favourable traits. Unlike some traits which are based on personality and experience (similar the virtues and vices), some traits are genetic. These include Genius, Tall, Stiff etc. If possible, acquire how to consistently include these genetic markers into your family line.

This hoarding also applies to Bloodlines. Avoid bad traits and eternalize good traits. Ever avoid detrimental genetic traits like inbred, but, keep in mind, that choosing betwixt a spouse that might be great genetically and one who has no negatives merely is the heir or heiress to a championship, it's almost always better to cull to pursue the title to expand your realm. In one case yous have command of nigh of the realms of your religion, that'south when you can focus on genetic supremacy.


Strange, you might say. Still, I take often intentionally triggered ceremonious wars for myself. Why? If yous can be sure of winning a civil war by inciting a faction against yourself, you tin can really eliminate the ability base of rival dynasties. Whenever you win against a faction or vassal in a state of war, you lot can strip their members of 1 or two titles without suffering penalties and, thus, install 1 of your loyalists (preferably family members) in their place. This is especially useful if yous're looking to supercede cultures.

Learn how to properly prune out factions in your realm past targeting opponents and inciting them to rebellion by getting reasons to arrest them and attempting to abort them with an intentionally low chance of success forcing them to enhance arms against yous. This is also a slap-up way to accelerate cultural assimilation as you can choose a peak tier vassal of your civilisation to lead the new viceroyalty or duchy.

Go on in mind that you tin too heighten your levies and position them in their demesnes fifty-fifty before you transport out the arrest order so you tin have a huge mobilisation advantage over your opponent right in the beginning.


Unlike other Paradox titles which crave you to strategically deploy troops against fortresses and accomplish wargoals, CKII rewards a player for winning decisive engagements. Huge amounts of 'warscore' is awarded if yous manage to defeat an enemy 'doomstack' (their combined armies in one location): sometimes by equally much as fifty percent. Past capturing only i castle and squashing the residual of the armies, you could sometimes force a peace. Thus, with no fortresses to get in the way of mobilisation, squash the enemy army outset, reach a massive advantage in warscore, then while the enemy ground forces is trying to regroup, capture plenty castles to strength a peace. Take note that you lot ought not pursue an enemy army too far into enemy territory equally attrition will kill you lot. Wait until the doomstack is visible and so pursue it on your territory.

This is, of course, bold you can defeat the enemy army. Thus, target opponents weaker than you are. It's easy to check by looking at their ruler and seeing how many levies they can heighten in their grapheme profile. Usually, most armies are equivalent in strength so determining by numbers is easy enough. Avoid fighting those with similar sized armies if you lot can help it since adventure may easily turn your parity into a route. Almost always fight those significantly weaker.

If y'all tin't notice someone significantly weaker, either wait until they are involved in another war with a powerful opponent, raise religious levies against them if they're of another organized religion, or build up a massive war chest to employ mercenaries. Mercenaries are more unforgiving in CKII than in most other Paradox games so exist careful.

The only exception to these tips is for fighting the 'bosses' such equally the Mongol Hordes, Aztec Invaders, and China. These entities with their special 'event troops' don't endure compunction and are generally of higher quality troops. Defeating them is the true test of a crusader king and requires careful planning and preparation.


Crusader Kings II can see a player starting off at many points over its 700+ twelvemonth timespan, on one end with a Europe still seeking to find solid ground after the autumn of the Western Roman Empire, and on the other with recognisable power players that would dominate the globe for the next 500 years. With 11 dissimilar start dates to choose from, the pick tin be daunting for even an experienced CKII player. We'll requite y'all a quick rundown of what each of the start dates are like, plus bespeak you lot to interesting areas to spring into.

Early MIDDLE AGES (1 January, 769)

The earliest kickoff date is past far the most diverse in terms of tech and religion. Europe is divided between feudal and tribal states, with many of the tribes also being infidel. This presents an interesting dichotomy, equally many early feudal states will have access to heavier and better tech troops, merely tribal governments tin can telephone call in vast numbers of men to fight. Similarly, the presence of the Germanic and Slavic religions in Europe changes the dynamic of affairs. You cannot count on some other European liking you lot, because you may be the wrong religion. Expect many religious wars and Viking raids, as well every bit expansion from the Eurasian Steppe hordes. The Chinese also have a strong hand in this start, with their influence slowly reaching westward.

Suggested Regions: Western Scandinavia, Iberian peninsula, Himalayas, Caucuses

VIKING AGE (1 Jan, 867)

Catholicism and feudalism have spread eastward in Europe, in large part cheers to the successor kingdoms to Charlemagne's Francias. However, even with Christianity strengthened, Germanic Viking hordes are on the loose in Northern Europe. While however tribal, they have such large numbers that they are almost impossible to initially defeat. The nomads of the Eurasian Steppe withal pose a threat to their neighbours, merely particularly as the previous large regional power, the Abbasids, have lost much ground since the previous offset.

Suggested Regions: Iberian peninsula, British Isles, Southeastern Europe, India


Bullwork gained ground in Western Europe and lost ground in the east, but Catholicism has seen a big spread over the previous 70 years, with most of Europe (excepting much of the Iberian Peninsula, of course) now being Christian. This is a new starting point, recently delivered as gratuitous DLC, and it centres effectually the Germans setting out a-acquisition in Key Europe. The previously fearsome Abbasids accept meanwhile fallen from grace, and the new power in the MENA (Middle Due east and North Africa) region is the Fatimid Empire, who look to expand into former Abbasid territory.

Suggested Regions: Central Europe, Western Scandinavia, Due north Africa, Eastern Europe, Fundamental Asia

Loftier MIDDLE AGES (15 SEPTEMBER, 1066)

This is the archetype starting signal; Europe is divers less by a variety of government types and religions, and more than by many big realms that are uniformly feudal and Catholic (as always, of form, excepting the Iberian peninsula, and also Eastern Europe). This beginning is very close to the following commencement, the main difference being that this first features the three-way war for England between the Anglo-Saxons, the Norwegians, and the Normans. Elsewhere, the Byzantines proceed to be the center of technological innovation, just are faced by the Seljuk Sultanate, who separate the westward from the east.

Suggested Regions: England, Southeastern Europe, Northern Europe

WILLIAM THE Conqueror (26 Dec, 1066)

Fast frontwards three months, and England is now existence run by Normans. Not too much else has changed (it has been merely 3 months), but players should also expect to the Iberian Peninsula if they miss the good religious and cultural conflicts between realms of the before starts. Similarly, India in general is a great identify if you are looking for extra-realm conflict, with several big and powerful kingdoms packed into a tight box. Yet, if backstairs scheming and trickery is more your style, there are plenty of options for inter-realm mischief in large European powers, such as the Holy Roman Empire.

Suggested Regions: England, Iberian Peninsula, India


The mighty Byzantines take begun their historical autumn from grace, with the Sultanate of Rum seizing much of Anatolia from the Byzantines. The Seljuks accept also begun expanding n, east of the Caspian Ocean. And while the Germanic, Slavic, and to an extent the Romuva religions have been reduced in Eastern Europe, a great amount of Northern European tribes yet follow the Suomenusko faith, butting upwards against the Orthodox Kievan Rus and Novgorod.

Suggested Regions: Southeastern Europe, Northeastern Europe

THE THIRD Cause (one JANUARY, 1187)

Forces from the 3 great Catholic realms from Western Europe (England, France, and the Holy Roman Empire) are marching east in a Cause to fight off the Ayyubid Sultanate from Jerusalem. This is a great start if yous similar participating in Holy Wars, as i is served upwards and set up to go right from the start. Also to notation is that England owns a decent chunk of French republic now, leading to much conflict in the coming years.

Suggested Regions: Western Europe, Western Middle East


The Quaternary Crusade failed later information technology was derailed by a convoluted series of events, resulting in the sack of Constantinople, and the creation of 2 new empires from the ashes of the Byzantine Empire. The Latin Empire sits on the west of the Bosporus Strait, with the Nicene Empire occupying the e. Both are relatively much weaker than the Byzantines were, so there is a power vacuum in the area to fill, either from the 2 new empires, or from a nearby upstart. Of notation, the Khwarezmid Sultanate have burst onto the scene in Fundamental Asia, neighboring the now huge Ghurid Empire in Republic of india.

Suggested Regions: Southeastern Europe, Central Asia


The Mongols have entered the picture, with huge issue-spawned stacks actualization at the eastern edge of the map. At the showtime, they are poised to cutting a encarmine path through the Khwarezmid Sultanate and much of Eastern Europe. This is a good get-go for those who dearest figuring out how to handle a nifty crunch that can leave you subjugated or expressionless very quickly, if you are in the Mongols' way.

Suggested Regions: Central Asia, Middle Eastward, Eastern Europe

Rise OF THE HANSA (1 MAY, 1241)

The Mongols, at present split into the Gilt Horde, the Ilkhanate, and the Khaganate of Mongolia, have lost their forward steam, but have expanded vastly over the previous 21 years. Republic of bulgaria, Hungary, and Novgorod face up subjugation, as well equally the Sultanate of Rum and the Ayyubid Sultanate to the south. Meanwhile, further to the east, Delhi stands in a skilful position to accept over Republic of india every bit a whole if they so choose. And back westward in Germany, the Hanseatic League is being formed by Lübeck and Hamburg. For the east of Europe, this is what a mail-apocalypse scenario looks like.

Suggested Regions: Eastern Europe, Southeastern Europe, Middle Eastward, Germany


The last showtime engagement in Crusader Kings 2, much has changed since the last start appointment. This is an excellent first for those who wish to proceed their game into EU4, as there are only most 100 years between 1337 and the end date of the game. In the north of Europe, Novgorod and Sweden have become ascendant regional powers, both threatened past the still dangerous Aureate Horde. France and England are set to begin a very long series of wars with each other, and in the Iberian peninsula, Castille, Aragon, and Portugal have emerged, but there is still a Moorish influence on the southern finish. In Anatolia, The Byzantines have reformed from the ashes of the Latin and Nicene Empires, but the Ottomans have also appeared, ready to seize prominence. The Bahri Sultanate is the newest power in the Middle East, only they are still threatened, much like Northern Europe, past the Ilkhanate. Finally, in Republic of india, the Tughluq Khaganate is in control of much of the subcontinent, but the Yuan and the Ilkhanate are both in a prime position to threaten the Tughluq.

Suggested Regions: Western Europe, Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, Heart East, India

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Hopefully, these should have you well on your fashion to creating and empire and dynasty to echo through the ages. Or, head on over to our Crusader Kings 3 beginners guide and review, If you're new to the Crusader Kings series and however haven't decided which one you'd similar to starting time with.


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