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The Sun Is Out I Am Pure Again

Osamu Dazai Osamu Dazai > Quotes

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"At present I have neither happiness nor unhappiness.

Everything passes.

That is the 1 and only matter that I take thought resembled a truth in the gild of human being beings where I have dwelled up to now every bit in a burning hell.

Everything passes."
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human

"This I want to believe implicitly: Man was born for honey and revolution."
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
"I am convinced that human life is filled with many pure, happy, serene examples of insincerity, truly splendid of their kind-of people deceiving i another without (strangely enough) any wounds being inflicted, of people who seem unaware even that they are deceiving one another."
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Man
"The weak fright happiness itself. They tin can harm themselves on cotton wool. Sometimes they are wounded even by happiness"
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human being
"Whenever I was asked what I wanted my outset impulse was to respond "Aught." The thought went through my heed that information technology didn't make any difference, that naught was going to make me happy."
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Man
"For someone like myself in whom the power to trust others is so cracked and broken that I am wretchedly timid and am forever trying to read the expression on people's faces."
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Homo
"I thought, "I want to dice. I want to die more than than ever before. In that location's no adventure now of a recovery. No matter what sort of thing I do, no matter what I practise, it'south sure to exist a failure, just a final coating applied to my shame. That dream of going on bicycles to see a waterfall framed in summer leaves—it was not for the likes of me. All that can happen now is that 1 foul, humiliating sin will exist piled on some other, and my sufferings will become simply the more acute. I want to die. I must die. Living itself is the source of sin."
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human
"People talk of "social outcasts." The words apparently denote the miserable losers of the world, the vicious ones, just I feel every bit though I accept been a "social outcast" from the moment I was born. If always I meet someone society has designated as an outcast, I invariably feel affection for him, an emotion which carries me away in melting tenderness."
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human
"Every bit long every bit I can make them laugh, it doesn't matter how, I'll be alright. If I succeed in that, the human beings probably won't heed it also much if I remain outside their lives. The one thing I must avoid is becoming offensive in their optics: I shall be nix, the wind, the heaven."
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human
"I have always shook with fright before homo beings. Unable as I was to experience the to the lowest degree particle of confidence in my ability to speak and act similar a human being, I kept my solitary agonies locked in my breast. I kept my melancholy and my agitation hidden, careful lest any trace should be left exposed. I feigned an innocent optimism; I gradually perfected myself in the role of the farcical eccentric."
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human
"Mine has been a life of much shame. I can't even gauge myself what it must be to live the life of a homo being."
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human
"What did he hateful past "society"? The plural of human beings?"
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human being
"Last year nothing happened
The year before nothing happened
And the year before that zippo
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Lord's day
"He could just consider me as the living corpse of a would-be suicide, a person dead to shame, an idiot ghost."
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human
"All I feel are the assaults of apprehension and terror at the thought that I am the just ane who is entirely different the residue. Information technology is most impossible for me to converse with other people. What should I talk about, how should I say information technology? - I don't know."
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human
"Unhappiness. There are all kinds of unhappy people in the earth. I suppose it would be no exaggeration to say that the world is composed entirely of unhappy people. But those people tin can fight their unhappiness with society fairly and squarly, and society for its office easily understands and sympathizes with such struggles. My unhappiness stemmed entirely from my own vices, and I had no mode of fighting anybody."
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human
"What, I wondered, did he mean by "guild"? The plural of human beings? Where was the substance of this thing called "society"? I had spent my whole life thinkng that guild must certainly be something powerful, harsh and severe, but to hear Horiki talk made the words "Don't you hateful yourself?" come up to the tip of my tongue. But I held the words dorsum, reluctant to anger him.
'Club won't represent it.'
'It'southward not society. You lot're the 1 who won't stand for it - right?'
'If y'all do such a affair society will make y'all suffer for it'
'It's not society. It'southward you, isn't information technology?'
'Before you know it, y'all'll be ostracized past society.'
'It'south not social club. You're going to do the ostracizing, aren't you?'
Words, words of every kind went flitting through my head. "Know thy item fearsomeness, thy knavery, cunning and witchcraft!" What I said, however, as I wiped the perspiration from my confront with a handkerchief was but, "Y'all've put me in a common cold sweat!" I smiled.
From and then on, however, I came to agree, most equally a philosophical conviction, the belief: What is society but an private?"
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Homo
"To wait. In our lives nosotros know joy, acrimony, sorrow, and a hundred other emotions, just these emotions all together occupy a bare ane pct of our time. The remaining ninety-nine percent is just living in waiting. I expect in momentary expectation, feeling as though my breasts are being crushed, for the sound in the corridor of the footsteps of happiness. Empty. Oh, life is too painful, the reality that confirms the universal belief that information technology is best not to exist built-in."
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sunday
"The idea of dying has never bothered me, but getting injure, losing blood, becoming crippled and the like—no thanks."
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Man
"I am afraid because I can and so conspicuously foresee my own life rotting away of itself, like a leaf that rots without falling, while I pursue my circular of existence from twenty-four hour period to day."
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
"The earth, later on all, was still a identify of bottomless horror. Information technology was by no means a identify of childlike simplicity where everything could be settled by a simple so-and-there conclusion."
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human being
"When I pretended to be precocious, people started the rumor that I was precocious. When I acted like an idler, rumor had information technology I was an idler. When I pretended I couldn't write a novel, people said I couldn't write. When I acted like a liar, they called me a liar. When I acted like a rich man, they started the rumor I was rich. When I feigned indifference, they classed me every bit the indifferent type. Only when I inadvertently groaned because I was really in pain, they started the rumor that I was faking suffering. The earth is out of joint."
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
"After being hurt by the world and so much, they began to see the demons inside humans. And then without hiding it through trickery, they worked to express it."
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human
"I like roses best. Simply they blossom in all four seasons. I wonder if people who like roses best accept to die four times over over again."
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
"Is it non true that no two human beings understand annihilation whatsoever about each other, that those who consider themselves bosom friends may exist utterly mistaken about their young man and, declining to realize this sad truth throughout a lifetime, cry when they read in the newspapers nearly his death?"
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Man
"In my case such an expression as 'to exist fallen for' or fifty-fifty 'to be loved' is not in the to the lowest degree appropriate; perhaps it describes the state of affairs more accurately to say that I was 'looked after."
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human
"I want to spend my time with people who don't await to be respected. But such good people won't want to spend their time with me."
Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sunday

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